【JP/EN】阿部一族 The Abe Clan(3/8)Japanese/English weekly Bilingual Version by Nikhil/Tomoko (English Version below)初めに日本語版、スクロールダウンして英語版が続きます。Mataitokos' blog (Cousins' Blog) is published every Sunday. Cousins' Blog またいとこのブログ (日曜発信) 第 1 章 2020 疫病の年 11月の放談 Chapter 1: 2020 Year of the Epidemy / November Talk
阿部一族 The Abe Clan (3/8)
by 森鴎外 Ogai MORI(1862-1922)
二キル・ライ/ ブヴィエ・友子による日英抄訳 English excerpted translation by Nikhil Ray/Tomoko
2020.11.22 Tomoko 前書き:【文学と人生】
こういった外国人労働者と接していると、世の中は不公平にできているとつくづく思う。病室のルシアに電話して、ポルトガル語ができる病院職員が絶対いるはずだから呼んでもらいなさい、といっても、「マダム、誰もいません」というし、携帯に翻訳機が備わっているはずだから、といっても、「インターネットがない」、という。弱い立場の人たちは何でもすぐあきらめてしまうのだ。苦しいことがあっても、「C'est la vie!」仕方がないわ、と繰り返し、自分に言い聞かせている。
森鷗外 Ogai MORI
The Abe Clan (阿部一族)
by Ogai MORI
English excerpted translation by Nikhil Ray and Tomoko
22.11.2020 Tomoko's Preface :【Literature and Life】
Lucia, my dear Portuguese friend, is diagnosed with cancer. She is only 42 years old. She comes home normally every Saturday to help me with the housework, but suddenly she doesn't come any more.
As she says she loves sewing and crafts making, I asked her to undo many kimonos so that I could reform them. I tried to teach her how to use the sewing machine, thinking it would be a good thing for her to do other things than doing only housework, but it was difficult to communicate with Lucia whose French is faltering. She is very stubborn and wouldn't do anything complicated. However, my husband and I love her and we really get on.
She had been doing well but one day, she said, "Madam, I have a lump here," and took my hand and let me touch it. Between her left shoulder and her arm, a large lump could be felt immediately. She said it was hard to lift her arm. The following Friday she came over to tell us that she wanted to take the next day off work because she was sick.
Three weeks have passed since then. Lucia is now undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy at a hospital in Annecy, after being treated by several doctors. When I asked her husband about her state, he could not tell me what was wrong with her body, what kind of treatment she was getting or even if she was feeling better, as he can't speak French well, neither.
When I come in contact with these foreign workers, it reminds me of the unfairness of the world. I call Lucia in the hospital room and tell her that there would definitely be someone from the hospital who could speak Portuguese. She says, "Madam, there is no one who can speak Portuguese", and when I tell her that there should be a translating fonction in her mobile phone, she says, "There is no internet". Vulnerable people are quick to give up on everything. She keeps saying to herself, "C'est la vie!''
In France, the lockdown is going on now and people are so afraid of the spread of Covid that not even her husband can enter the hospital. What can I do to help Lucia? I'm worried that she's been eating only cheap food, which is ruining her health. She is very happy with my second-hand clothes. Lucia, who leaves her son with her parents in Portugal to educate him, who works hard from morning to night, who's greatest joy is to return to her own country for holiday three times a year, please get better as soon as possible, though I feel a touch of uneasiness about what I say.
Literature and life are very strongly related. Literature is all about what happens to people. All sorts of absurdities come out of living in a certain time, in a certain environment and in a certain social system in which one is accidentally living. The tragedy of the literary work, ''The Abe Clan'', and the unreasonable circumstances of this world are overlapping.(Tomoko)
Gonbei, Ichidaifu and Godaifu had each received a two hundred koku1 new territory in recognition of their military exploits during the Shimabara Rebellion.
Gonbei had asked his father just once, “You did not receive permission?” His father had merely replied, “I did not”. Since father and son knew each other to the bottom of the soul, there was nothing more to say.
After surveying those present, Yaichemon started to talk. “I am glad you all came over though it's night. You must have also heard the rumours. I hear that this Yaichiemon will disembowel with a gourd covered in oil. As they say, I think I will cut my belly. Everyone here, witness it!”
Ichidaifu moved forward on his knees and said, “I fully understand what you say. I was also told by a comrade that it is well done that, thanks to the testament of the Predecessor, your father and his sons can all continue to serve. It was so frustrating to hear this.”
Their father laughed. “So it is! Do not involve yourselves with those who focus on the immediate futur! When I am dead, there will be those who despise you as the sons of one who died without permission! It is your fate to be born as my sons! You can't change your destiny! When it is time to suffer the humiliation, you must all endure it together! Do not quarrel amongst yourselves! Now look well as I slit my belly with the gourd!”
With these words, Yaichiemon committed seppuku in the presence of his children and died by stabbing through his own neck from left to right.
The five children, who had not known their father’s intent, were saddened. At the same time, they felt they could move a little away from the insecure state that had afflicted them until then, as though a great burden had been lifted.
After this, they knew not what to do. There would be people who say that a belated suicide is different from an authorized junshi. They said each other that, whatever may come, they would stay together as brothers and never separate.
Gonbei, the heir, did not take a frank tone. Though he was very thoughtful towards his younger brothers, he would never show it. He tended to think and act alone. He rarely asked for others’ advice.
Shichinojō with the fringe said, “As you, my brothers, are strong by staying together, no one will dare to say bad things carelessly about our father”. Though he said this in a woman-like voice, there was such strong conviction in his words that all those present were cheered up as if a ray of light lluminated their dark foreseeable future.
The new lord of Higo, Mitsuhisa succeeded to the household headship. The heirs of the eighteen vassals who had committed junshi inherited the positions of their fathers without any change, while the rest of their families were treated generously.
In contrast, the treatment of the successor of Abe Yaichiemon’s surviving family was different. The heir Gonbei was not allowed to succeed to his father’s position, the one thousand five hundred koku was divided into five equal parts so that no one excelled among the brothers.
This was a scheme conjured by Hayashi Geki, a government Inspector-General who tends to lean towards a strict control.
Once Yaichiemon had been denigrated for continuing to serve without committing junshi, this humiliation would not easily disappear even after he committed seppuku honourably.
A step lower treatment of the successor led to the entire household publicly admitting the contempt for the Abe family. The Abe brothers were gradually shunned by their comrades and spent the unpleasant days. (to be continued)
Notes:1 )Bail of rice: a unit of income in the Edo Era