【JP/EN】阿部一族The Abe Clan(2/8) Japanese/English Weekly Bilingual Version by Nikhil/Tomoko (English Version below)初めに日本語版、スクロールダウンして英語版が続きます。Mataitokos' blog (Cousins' Blog) is published every Sunday. Cousins' Blog またいとこのブログ (日曜発信) 第 1 章 2020 疫病の年 11月の放談 Chapter 1: 2020 Year of the Epidemy / November Talk
阿部一族 The Abe Clan (2/8)
by 森鴎外 Ogai MORI(1862-1922)
二キル・ライ/ ブヴィエ・友子による日英抄訳 English excerpted translation by Nikhil Ray/Tomoko
2020.11.15 Tomoko 前書き :【奥深くひそみたりしまことのわれは、ようよう表にあらわれて-『舞姫』より】
最近の日本の新聞に、''没後50年、三島の生と死 50年後も色あせぬ警鐘''というような題目の耕論が載っていた。三島由紀夫は、果たして近代日本の在り方に警鐘を鳴らした作家と言えるだろうか。ドラマティックに人前(自衛官たち)で自決したことで、三島由紀夫は森鴎外より海外でも知名度が高い。しかし、海外生活の長い私の捉え方としては、三島由紀夫より森鴎外の方が早くから文学作品において、明治以降の日本の民主主義の歪みに警鐘を鳴らしていた作家である。
森鷗外 Ogai MORI
The Abe Clan (阿部一族)
by Ogai MORI
15.11.2020 Tomoko's Preface :【I who was hidden deep inside myself, at last appeared outwardly - From 'Maihime' - 'The Dancing Girl'】
I read an article in a recent Japanese newspaper entitled ’’Yukio Mishima's Life and Death - his warning remains even fifty years after his death. ’’ Can we really say that it is the writer Yukio Mishima who sounded a warning bell about the state of modern Japan? Because of his dramatic suicide in front of people (the Self-Defense Force), Yukio Mishima is more famous abroad than Ogai Mori. However, for me who have lived abroad for a long time, it is Mori Ogai, earlier than Mishima Yukio, who, in his literary works, warned against the distortions of Japanese democracy after the Meiji era.
In 1912, following the fall of Emperor Meiji, General Maresuke Nogi who was credited with the Russo-Japanese War, committed suicide along with his wife Shizu. There were those who praised Nogi's death, while others considered his death to be a legacy of the feudal system and an outdated act.
The following year, Ogai wrote ''The Abe Clan,'' in which Junshi was the theme. Nogi and Ogai had studied in Germany at the same time and were close friends. In "Maihime," about his love affair with a German dancer during his study abroad, we see a free and humanistic Ogai, that he first knew about after leaving the formalistic position in Japanese bureaucratic society.
In the Meiji and Taisho periods, Ogai excelled in all aspects of his life as a military doctor, bureaucrat, and literary scholar, but he must have had great conflicts when he returned to Japanese society after being exposed to Western culture. (Tomoko)
instance, there was Tadatoshi’s attendant Gosuke, who would always attend to his master's hawking with his dog. Gosuke was Tadatoshi's favourite and in spite of his low status, he received
permission to commit junshi.
One day in May, Gosuke went to the Kōrinji Temple, his designated place of death, bringing along the dog he had always taken for hawking. Seeing him off, his wife encouraged him: “You are also a man and you will die honourably, in a manner equal to that of the notables”.
When he reached the temple cemetery, Gosuke opened his lunch. He found two nigiri inside. Gosuke said to the dog: “After I commit seppuku and die, you will become a stray dog. So, if you wish to continue living, eat these nigiri. If you wish to die with me, do not eat them”.
The dog had no intention of eating the nigiri at all. “So, you would also die?” The dog gave one bark and wagged its tail.
Gosuke embraced the dog, unsheathed his wakizashi1 and killed the dog with a single blow. Then, with a loud voice, he said: “What of the falconers? After all, the dog guard goes without fear!” and he slit his belly in a cross-shaped pattern. Matsuno, his second, decapitated him from behind.
Later on, Gosuke’s widow was granted a large estate and lived out a long life.
Besides the eighteen who Tadatoshi had authorized to commit junshi, there was a vassal named Abe Yaichiemon. Due to his considerable rank, the members of the lord’s household thought that he too should commit junshi and, naturally, he asked for permission to do so. However, Tadatoshi said, “Live on and serve Mitsuhisa”, and never granted him permission.
Tadatoshi had the habit of not listening to what Yaichiemon would say. Upon seeing the man’s face, Tadatoshi would feel the urge to oppose him. And yet this was not a case of reprimanding. Since there was no one who worked as hard as Yaichiemon, or was as attentive or as thorough as him, there was nothing to reprimand.
Where others would do something only when ordered, Yaichiemon would do it without instructions. Furthermore, where others would report to the lord, Yaichiemon would act without making any reports. Yet, as what he did was always appropriate, there were no grounds for criticism.
Yaichiemon had come to serve only for his own pride. Knowing this, Tadatoshi began to hate this man. Wise Tadatashi wondered how Yaichiemon had become this way and realised that it was he himself who had encouraged it. In spite of trying to change his habit of opposing Yaichiemon, Tadatoshi found it more difficult to change.
Everyone has people they like and those they dislike. It is difficult to give a reason for this. In the same way, there was no reason for Tadatoshi to dislike Yaichiemon. Yaichiemon had something unfriendly about him. This was obvious as he had only few close friends. Although he was respected as a fine samurai, nobody wished to approach him. People would say “Abe gives no chance for us to take advantage of him” and stayed away from him.
Yaichiemon, who had been denied permission to commit junshi, pondered deeply. ''Due to my social rank, now that I remained alive without committing junshi, I am too ashamed to face the lord’s household. There is no choice but either to commit seppuku knowing it would be a pointless death or to become a ronin2 and leave Kumamoto. Yet, I can be only myself after all. Indeed. Samurai are different from lord’s concubines. Though I am not a lord’s favour, there is no way that I can't stand by myself. '' This was how Yaichiemon continued with his duties.
Meanwhile, the 6th of May came and all of the eighteen committed junshi. Kumamoto was full of praise for their different manners of dying. Yaichiemon was aware that people in the lord’s mansion were not looking at him straight. Yaichiemon thought that nevertheless, they must by no means think that he persisted in living, reluctant to die. Yaichiemon held his head up high and continued on.
After two or three days had passed, an unacceptable rumour began to circulate concerning Yaichiemon. It ran: “Abe rejoices at not having been allowed to commit junshi and thereby continuing to live. Even without permission, he should have been able to do it. If only he could slit his belly with a gourd covered with oil.”.
For Yaichiemon, this was an unexpected remark. People could say whatever slanders they liked. “Yet, how can people see me as man clinging to life! Well, in that case I will slit my belly with an oil-covered gourd to show them!”
That day, upon leaving his post, Yachiemon solemnly waited for his five sons in the zashiki3 of his Yamazaki residence. They were his first heir Gonbei, his second son Yagobei and his fifth son, Shichinojō, still bearing a fringe, joined by his third son Ichidaifu and his fourth son Godaifu. Even with the shōji4 wide open, it was hot, humid and stuffy.(to be continued)
Notes:1) Short sword 2 )A master-less samurai 3) Reception room in a traditional Japanese house 4) Sliding door in a traditional Japanese house