【EN/JP】岡マリ『地球を救え‼︎グラニー・バムからのメッセージ』by Chiyoko またいとこのブログ (日曜日ごとに発信) 第 1 章 2020 疫病の年 9月の放談
紹介――岡マリの日英バイリンガル絵本 (Bilingual version)
2020.09.20 by Chiyoko
今回は、岡マリが地球環境保護を訴える絵本を紹介します。日英バイリンガル絵本なので、英語の紹介文に続き、日本語を配置しました。(20200915 chiyoko)
"Save the Planet!! A Message from Granny Bum”
a Japanese-English bilingual picture book
by Mari OKA (Edition Bungeisha)
I received a picture book from Mari (my cousin), an author who is the same age as me entitled "Save the Planet!! A Message from Granny Bum,” a Japanese-English bilingual picture book.
Mari grew up in the US, therefore her native tongue is English. She studied Japanese as a foreign language at university. She first wrote the book in English and then translated it into Japanese.
The protagonist of the story is Granny Bum (whom I would like to call "Ban-chan" ), who sat on a rocking chair and grew roots, whereby she was able to observe the world looking through the eyes at the end of the roots. Her story centers around environmental problems which really hit home making my heart ache deeply. The idea of sitting on a chair and growing roots is very entertaining and moving. Through her voyage via the roots, the current state of environmental pollution around the world is simply and impressively depicted through Granny Bum.
Looking at the author's profile at the end of the book, I realized that this story is a "report" unique to the author who has visited 30 countries around the world. It is a bilingual picture book that addresses the critical, urgent environmental crisis which is currently undergoing heated debate in all corners of the world. I was strongly moved by the enthusiasm, effort, and ability of the author to raise the issue so succinctly. I believe that the book is also quite suitable for adults.
I think the opening message on the cover page is the summary of the author Mari-chan's thoughts, so I will quote it here.
"This book is dedicated to Takeshi, Mayako, Sakiko, Mia, Jack and all the grandchildren in the world. It is also written in memory of my dear son Yasuhide who passed away at the young age of 32."
■ The official release of the book is scheduled for October 15th, Bungeisha. B5, 24 pages, 1200 yen + tax
(20200915 chiyoko)
『地球を救え!! グラニー・バムからのメッセージ』
巻末著者紹介を見て、このお話は、世界30 カ国を訪れた著者ならではの体験レポートだと気付かされた。身近な問題であり、世界的課題でもある環境問題をバイリンガル絵本です問題提起する著者の熱意と努力と力量には強く動かされた。結構大人向きの絵本でもありそうだ。
「この本は豪志、舞弥子、咲稀子、ミア、ジャックと世界中のすべての孫と 32歳で亡くなった息子の靖秀の思い出に捧げます。」
(20200915 chiyoko)